Let your voice be heard
Contribute to future generations
Let your voice be heard
Contribute to future generations

Daily Prayer Times
February 18, 2025 19 Sha'ban 1446 |
Prayer | Adhan | Iqamah |
Fajr | 5:41 am | 6:10 am |
Sunrise | 6:53 am | |
Duhr | 12:22 pm | 12:30 pm |
Asr | 4:10 pm | 4:30 pm |
Maghrib | 5:54 pm | 5:54 pm |
Isha | 7:03 pm | 8:00 pm |
Jumuah | 12:30 pm | 1:30 pm |
Friday Prayer Times
12:30pm | Prospect Center
- Ihab Badr
1:30pm | Los Gatos Islamic Center
- Imam Ahmad Deeb
1:30pm | Prospect Center
- Imam Albaraa Abdullah
WVMA Events
Exercising mindfulness this Ramadan can help discipline our minds in order to handle the current situation and focus on our connection with Allah.
Daily Prayer Times
February 18, 2025 19 Sha'ban 1446 |
Prayer | Adhan | Iqamah |
Fajr | 5:41 am | 6:10 am |
Sunrise | 6:53 am | |
Duhr | 12:22 pm | 12:30 pm |
Asr | 4:10 pm | 4:30 pm |
Maghrib | 5:54 pm | 5:54 pm |
Isha | 7:03 pm | 8:00 pm |
Jumuah | 12:30 pm | 1:30 pm |
Friday Prayer Times
12:30pm | Prospect Center
- Ihab Badr
1:30pm | Los Gatos Islamic Center
- Imam Ahmad Deeb
1:30pm | Prospect Center
- Imam Albaraa Abdullah
Pave the Future with WVMA
We’re building a welcoming masjid of connection and healing, a refuge for anyone looking to be rooted in faith and find nourishment to grow. Your support will help us build more programs and a sustainable, thriving masjid.
Other ways to give to WVMA
Stocks and RSUs: WVMA has an account with Charles Schwab for all stock donations. Charles Schwab & Co. Phoenix Operations Center – P.O. Box 51124, Phoenix, AZ 95072-2114.
Please transfer your stocks to the following account:
Account title: West Valley Muslim Association.
Account number: 4950-0367
DTC number: 0164
Company Matching Programs: WVMA is a registered 501(c)(3) organization and is eligible for many company matching programs like Benevity. Here is information you may need for such matching programs:
Organization: West Valley Muslim Association
1(408) 800-4887
Wallet Addresses for Donations
Wallets for Receiving donations
USD via Coinbase
Donate 100
Donate 1000
Donate 10000
Please make check payable to:
West Valley Muslim Association
16769 Farley Rd., Los Gatos CA 95032
For Zakat: Send donations to finance@wvmuslim.org
For Masjid Operations: Send donations to donate@wvmuslim.org
Stay Connected
Los Gatos Islamic Center
(WVMA main Campus)
16769 Farley Rd., Los Gatos, CA 95032
Open throughout the day, everyday.
Saratoga Musalla
12372 Saratoga Sunnyvale Rd., Saratoga, CA 95070
Open for five daily prayers and occasional programs/events
Prospect Center
19848 Prospect Rd., Prospect, CA 95070
Friday prayers and Taraweeh (late night prayers) in Ramadan