Sisters Programs
WVMA is proud to offer a range of ongoing programs specifically designed for women in our community. From educational workshops and discussions to spiritual enrichment and social activities, we aim to provide a diverse range of opportunities for sisters to grow, learn, and connect with each other. Our programs are designed to empower and uplift women, helping them to develop their spiritual, personal, and professional lives. Whether you are looking for a supportive community or new opportunities for growth, WVMA has something for everyone.
Some of our ongoing sisters programming includes:
Sisters Halaaq with Sh. ElBakri
Every Saturday at 10:30am we have a wonderful halaqa for sisters with Sh. Alauddin ElBakri. The halaqa is held on zoom.
Sisters Tajweed Class
Join Sr. Soumiya Basima on Mondays and Thursdays starting January 22th for a six-week immersive experience as we learn the important aspects of Tajweed. This is open to individuals aged 14 and above. Younger students who can read fluently are also encouraged to join. Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your connection with the Holy Quran. Sign up at
The Last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (s
Every Saturday Sisters have the opportunity to learn from Ustadha Siham on the topics of the last Sermon of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) Join the class on Zoom at 9am using the link
Sisters Open Halaqa
Sisters, join us every other Thursday starting January 28th, 7:00pm at LGIC for an open halaqa of faith, food and friends. This Halaqa is led by our very own Lubna Shaikh. The conversation will be centered around the path to Allah.
Book of Major Sin Class for Sisters
Join us every Tuesday on Zoom at 10am for a wonderful class with sister Fareeda Bhatti on the Book of Major Sin by Imam Adh-dhahabi. This class is an Urdu class for sisters only.
Journey to the Quran
Join WVMA and ICNA sisters every Friday from 11am-12pm for a halaqa at Saratoga Musalla. With Ramadan Starting, there's no better time to renew your relationship to the Quran. Hope to see you there!
Other ongoing and past programs and events at WVMA for Sisters: