Siraat Pizza in the Park Picnic
📣 We’re excited to announce our second annual summer Pizza in the Park Picnic! The event will take place on Sunday, June 2nd from 1 – 3 PM at John Mise Park in San Jose.
🏐 Show up for an afternoon of food, games, and great company as we mark the start of another great summer together.
🍕 Say cheese! We’ll be serving halal pizza and drinks- feel free to bring snacks and food to share!
🏏We also encourage you to bring any outdoor games or sports equipment for some friendly competition (show us your skills!).
🥾 Remember to bring an outdoor blanket to sit on, a reusable water bottle, and dress accordingly for the weather! 🍃
Please make sure to rsvp at tinyurl.com/2024-siraat-summer-picnic. We look forward to seeing you Insha’Allah! ✨